And So It Was...

I have been wanting to do a non-private blog for a while of just anything. Projects, advice, photography, etc. I was looking at wall decals online and Sylie looked at the bird picture above and said "look, its a mama chirp, a daddy chirp, a sylie chirp, and a JJ chirp."
I knew she had just come up with my new blog name.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

burpies and frames

Just for fun
The frames look very cute in Sylie's room.

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hooter hider and modge podge letters

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I made these for jer for valentines. Sylie had a blast making them.

1 13X9 baked cake
1 can cream cheese frosting
1 package chocolate bark
1 package pink candy melts or white chocolate bark
bowls for dipping
wax paper
lollipop sticks
small plastic treat bags and ribbon to package

Step 1. Bake a cake from a mix or from scratch and cool completely.

Step 2. Crumble cake into a fine consistency into a large bowl.
Step 3. Add can of cream cheese frosting
Step 4. Roll mixture into little balls and lay on wax paper covered cookie sheet.

Step 5. Cover with aluminum foil or plastic wrap and chill in the freezer for 10 minutes.
Step 6. While the balls are chilling, heat up your chocolate bark. Follow the instructions on the package.
Step 7. Remove the balls from the freezer stick the lollipop stick and dip away. If you are doing pretzels and marshmallows just dip as well.
Step 8. Put sprinkles.

Step 9. Lay them on clean wax paper and let dry for 10 minutes.
Step 10. Put them in the little plastic bags and tie the ribbon.